Information Security User Awareness

Information Security Awareness Articles for the end user.

I want to Report an Information Security Incident or Service Request?
Within the Viridor IT Portal you can: Raise an Incident Ticket for an Information Security Incident.  Raise a Service Request Ticket for Help on Infor...
Thu, 4 Mar, 2021 14:11
I have received a malicious phishing email or attachment - What do I do?
We are seeing a significant increase in the number of cyber-attacks being reported with Viridor in two key areas:  Phishing to Data harvest:  phis...
Thu, 4 Mar, 2021 14:27
I think there has been a confidential data or GDPR breach - What do I do?
Report it immediately as a Information Security Incident via the Viridor IT Portal. You can mark it as Sensitive so that it is targeted only to the Informat...
Thu, 4 Mar, 2021 14:41
What is the Viridor Information Security Policy
The purpose and objective of this Information Security Policy is to protect Viridor’s information assets from all threats, whether internal or external, del...
Thu, 4 Mar, 2021 15:38