Viridor provides the Microsoft 365 Toolset which includes MS-Office, OneDrive, MS-Teams, Outlook and SharePoint to create and manage your files and documents. 

General Guide for My Files and Documents:

  • Only Files and Documents stored in OneDrive, SharePoint, MS-Teams or Formal File Shares are backed up in the cloud for you. 
    • Loss of or a fault with your PC will not lose those files if you use these places. 
    • You can access these files from Any PC using OneDrive/MS-Teams apps, Browser, Mobile Smartphone, or Tablet. 
  • Files on C drive, my documents, desktop are not backed up. 
    • Loss of or a fault with your PC will most likely mean your files will be lost and not recoverable or accessible from other devices. 
    • As they are on the single PC you will not be able to access them from other PCs, Browser, Mobile Smartphone or Tablet. 
  • Files on Removable Media
    • Unless specifically set up files should not be stored on removable media, but as above. This is a particular security and GDPR risk and not supported. 

Guide for working on Personal My Files and Documents:

  • For documents that are just for your personal use the store them in OneDrive. You can share files out to others if you need to. OneDrive files are stored in the cloud. 
  • In Particular, any document that is effectively a company record should not be stored in OneDrive. It should be in a MS-Teams or SharePoint store. 

Guide for working on Personal My Files and Documents:

  • For documents created with others [to joint author of where they will review]  or where they will be read by others, you should should not use OneDrive but use a relevant MS-Teams or a SharePoint site. Even if you want to draft it before anyone else sees it [you can hide it from others until you are ready in MS-Teams and SharePoint].
  • There are still some legacy File Shares [aka Shared Drives] accessible. Which shares you have access to will depend on your role. 

Further guidance on data security can be found in the Viridor Acceptable Use Policy. 

If you have a problem accessing any of the above services, or with your data you can use the Viridor IT Portal to get further